The power of symbols & malas
It is in your mind you are building up your own reality. Be the master in your own life and control your mind. Don’t let the mind control you. Change your mindset to be successful within yourself, to feel strong, secure and empowered.
Once you know your mindset to master something you can use it on everything. Unhappiness mostly lies within ones own mind. You are what you think you are. And your thoughts is only going on in your thinking mind. Thoughts have a great power to effect oneself and ones happiness in life.
Use a mala or a Mantra to let your mind have something to play with. The thinking mind will become quiet – busy repeating a mantra with a specific rhythm of moving of the beads. All malas have 108 beads. The power of meditation with malas and a repetitive mantra is a great tool to quiet the mind.
A symbol is a great reminder to stay focused on what really makes one happy. Using symbols for affirmations will effect ones mind. Be aware and very thoughtful of what you are surrounding yourself with. Make sure it give you a good feeling.
A thought – becomes a feeling – which then will become an action or reaction.
Master your mind!
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